Developing Intuitive Intelligence

“In my private practice, I work with women executives who come to me to develop their intuition. They see it as a ‘superpower’ to use in all decisions at work as well as a guide for how to be good leaders and organizers.”
— Dr. Judith Orloff MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and author of Guide to Intuitive Health and The Empath’s Survival Guide

Now that we have examined our thoughts and are beginning to align our mindset with that of success, let’s explore our most powerful source of intelligence: intuition.

When we think of intelligence, many of us think of our IQ. The intelligence quotient is known as the ability to use mental knowledge and experience to think through, organize, plan and structure the execution of an idea.

Though the IQ is a powerful tool (and absolutely necessary in building a business), intuitive intelligence is your secret weaponry to successful entrepreneurship. 



The dictionary definition of intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Intuition is our first instinct; it's what we feel right away before the mind has time to come in and consciously analyze.

Neuroscientists have found that while many skills and capabilities are relegated to the ‘left’ brain or ‘right’ brain, intuition is a ‘whole’ brain function.  Despite your possible unfamiliarity with it, we all have it. Your intuition is available to you 24/7, you just have to tune in.

Intuition can be thought of as a muscle, the more you use it, trust it, and act on it … the stronger it becomes. 

“It is commonly acknowledged that intuitive perception plays an important role in business decisions and entrepreneurship, learning, medical diagnosis, healing, spiritual growth and overall well-being.” 
— Bradley, R.T., et al., Nonlocal Intuition in Entrepreneurs and Nonentrepreneurs: Results of Two Experiments Using Electrophysiological Measures. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2011. 12(3): p. 343-372.


Below are the 4 key principles in exercising your intuition. Read over each and be sure to watch the videos to complete the meditative exercises that will help you to start developing a stronger intuitive intelligence.

“You must train your intuition – you must trust the small voice inside you which tells you exactly what to say, what to decide.” 
— Ingrid Bergman

Practice presence

Intuitive information is fast (like instinct), it doesn’t have the same slow processing speed as the mind, so without practicing presence, learning how to calm your nervous system and intentionally becoming aware, you can often miss the intuitive information you are being sent. In this way, you will learn to calibrate your mind with your intuition.  



Know that intuition isn’t something you have to ‘try to do’ or ‘try to perceive’, it is happening all of the time and simply trusting in your innate intuitive abilities will strengthen your connection to it. 


Set your intention

Your intention becomes the filter through which you observe the process of creation. That is to say, energy flows where your attention goes and for intuitive knowing to result, we must place our attention on what we want to know more about.


Take action

Intuition loves action.  In fact, the more you practice following your intuition, the more you are able to trust, and use the 3 principles above more naturally and accurately.



Emotional intelligence is generally said to include at least three skills: 

1. The ability to identify and name one’s own emotions (emotional awareness)

2. The ability to harness those emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving

3. The ability to manage emotions, which includes both regulating one’s own emotions when necessary and helping others to do the same.

EXERCISE PDF A: Review the Emotional Intelligence Wheel and familiarize yourself with the various feeling states.


Having an awareness of our emotions is key to unlocking intuitive information through feeling.  So, let’s develop a deeper awareness of our emotions using the Emotional Intelligence Wheel below and then watching the coaching video to complete the meditation on becoming aware of how you feel.

EXERCISE PDF B: Use this EQ exercise with the meditation to record your feelings.



“Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows.”
— Native American Proverb

Here is what we now know today about heart intelligence:

  • The heart sends us emotional and intuitive signals to help govern our lives.

  • The heart directs and aligns many systems in the body so that they can function in harmony with one another.

  • The heart is in constant communication with the brain. The heart’s intrinsic brain and nervous system relay information back to the brain in the cranium, creating a two-way communication system between heart and brain.

  • The heart makes many of its own decisions.

  • The heart starts beating in the unborn fetus before the brain has been formed, a process scientists call autorhythmic.

  • Humans form an emotional brain long before a rational one, and a beating heart before either.

  • The heart has its own independent complex nervous system known as “the brain in the heart.”

-info above from The HeartMath Institute



The heart aligns you to what you desire, and where you want to go, connecting you to your authentic self and higher intelligence. Practicing heart coherence and a daily check-in with your heart allows you to become more mindful of your ultimate vision, values and goals in life.


Gut Intuitive Intelligence

“Synthesizing the information from your gut, heart and head allows you to engage your executive mind’s ability to process the unconscious knowing of your gut and heart and, therefore, make a conscious and wise decision.”
—, Gut Intelligence: Why Leaders Need It As Much As IQ And EQ

The gut has long been understood as an intuitive centre, how many times have you been told to “trust your gut instinct” when making a decision or that it’s time for a “gut check” when faced with a situation that is confusing. This mind-gut connection is not just metaphorical, there is a ton of science behind why this area is full of trust-worthy intelligence.

The central nervous system is in communication with the gut via the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system, the involuntary arm of the nervous system that controls heart rate, breathing, and digestion.

When we consider the power of the sympathetic nervous system, directing the body's rapid involuntary response to dangerous or stressful situations (fight or flight), we can begin to see the inherent intelligence it has.  



So let’s put it to the test, do the meditative exercise in the video to understand the wisdom of your gut and how you can begin to use it in business and everyday life.


Ask questions and/or share what you learned about your intuitive intelligence in the RISE Facebook Community.