— Module One —
Discover who you truly are


You are your most important asset in your business and it is crucial to recognize the incredible set of gifts, talents, core values, and strengths that you already possess.  So, let’s begin with your present mindset and evaluate your inner thoughts, and whether they are reflective of your true self. 

Understanding who you are and developing a success mindset is important fuel for your business needs to propel forward. Your business success thus becomes a mirror image of your thinking.



Much of what we think and believe, along with the patterns of behaviour and actions that result, are not true for us.  Much of what we learn is derived from someone else’s beliefs, or ‘painted by another artist’. When we don’t take the time to examine our own truth, we may find that we are operating out of someone else’s truth. As you can imagine, living someone else’s truth can cause suffering in our lives, and it can begin to negatively impact our businesses by extension.

Let’s evaluate the ‘present you’ to determine if the thoughts you think, and the beliefs you hold are indeed true for you.

MODULE 1A EXERCISE: Complete The Present You exercise to understand your current mindset and identify where shifts need to be made.



Now, it is time to do the work to truly cultivate the inner voice of The True You and begin to take action from that YOU, because when it comes to entrepreneurship a success mindset and the practice of operating out of The True You is essential in strategic decision-making that will ultimately align you with where you are truly meant to go.

SHARE IN the RISE community

Whatever you do in your business this week, do it from a place of the TRUE YOU. Share what you learned about YOU in the RISE Facebook Community.